WEDS FEB 22: How the BC Teachers Federation can protect pensions & planet

Institutional investors around the world are moving quickly to protect portfolios from the financial risks of climate change and invest in a safe climate future. The Canadian pension sector is falling behind, and remains invested in the oil, gas, coal and pipeline companies whose business models are misaligned with the scale of action that is needed to combat the climate crisis. The BCTF represents 49,000 public school teachers. 

WHAT: Webinar Canada’s pensions have a climate problem: How the BC Teachers Federation can protect pensions and the planet 

WHO: Teachers from across British Columbia, as well as climate and economic justice experts. Speakers include: 

  • Kim Benson – BCTF Divest Now
  • Jillian McGuire – BCTF Divest Now
  • Amy Gray –
  • Dan Cohn – IEEFA
  • Mark Kalegha – IEEFA
  • Patrick DeRochie – Shift Action
  • Dr. Heather Short – Climate Science Communicator

WHEN & WHERE: Wednesday, February 22, 4pmPT/7pmET. Register on Zoom.

WHY: Teachers are increasingly concerned about the risk of the climate crisis for students, as well as financial risk to savings and puts hardworking educators’ retirement in serious danger. Teachers across British Columbia are increasing pressure on BCTF (British Columbia Teachers Federation) to follow through on the overwhelming vote at its March 2022 shareholder meeting (page 30) to divest its over $37.8 billion pension fund from fossil fuels.
