Fossil Fuel Divest-Invest Movement Leaders to Announce New Phase of Divest-Invest Campaigns in Response to Harvard’s Historic Announcement

Divest Harvard and leaders of the global fossil fuel divest-invest movement host press conference following historic Harvard divestment announcement

Following nearly a decade of pressure from student activists, alumni, and faculty, Harvard, the world’s wealthiest university, announced that it has nearly entirely divested its $42 billion endowment from fossil fuels and will bar any future investments in coal, oil and gas. The institution also announced its commitment to investing in a clean energy transition.

On Wednesday September 15 at 11am ET, activists from student divest-invest campaigns, including Divest Harvard and Divest Princeton, and leaders of the global fossil fuel divest-invest movement are hosting a media conference of movement leaders and activists to discuss the significance of the win and what it means for campaigns targeting universities, cities, pensions, and other financial institutions, as well as the financial impact of these announcements on the fossil fuel sector.