APRIL 26: REPORT + WEBINAR: The Biggest Malpractice: How Hospitals Betray the Public Trust with Billions in Fossil Fuel Holdings


WHAT: Highly anticipated report release: The Biggest Malpractice: How Hospitals Betray the Public Trust with Billions in Fossil Fuel Pension Investments revealing major US health institutions’ fossil fuel investments for the first time ever.

WHEN & WHERE: Wednesday, April 26 at 8am PT / 9am MT / 11 ET. RSVP for Zoom invite here. 


  • Hosted by: Amy Gray, Stand.earth
  • Don Lieber, First, Do No Harm
  • Tom Sanzillo, Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA)
  • Steven Feit, Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)
  • Dr. Tess Carter, MIT GWU
  • Dr. Marya Zlatnik, OB/GYN Doctor at University of California / San Francisco
  • Savita Potarazu, GWU & Executive Chair, Medical Students for a Sustainable Future
  • Dr. Marjaneh Moini, Physicians for Social Responsibility 

WHY: To date, over 1560 institutions representing more than $40 trillion in assets have committed to some level of divestment, yet the health sector’s leadership is starkly missing. A brand-new report from First, Do No Harm and the Climate Safe Pensions Network will document, for the first time ever, the levels of fossil fuel investments at major US healthcare institutions. The report will highlight how these investments contradict “Calls to Action” to decarbonize from within the sector, as well as how such investments directly contradict the Hippocratic oath at the heart of the healthcare profession. 

This is the first-ever analysis of its kind focusing on health-sector investments in fossil fuels.  Striking results will increase pressure for the health sector to align its investment practices with well-established global climate goals, and its own emission reduction commitments.

There are some 1,200 private hospital systems in the U.S., each with varying amounts of funds invested in oil, coal, or gas holdings. It’s absurd, and entirely hypocritical, for healthcare institutions to continue to make these investment choices. Climate change represents a massive health crisis. 

Healthcare pensions can and must divest from fossil fuels to protect our health and our frontline communities that are so disproportionately affected by the fossil fuel industry.
